HLabs & Hilton Grand Vacations celebrate their 50th project together!

It all started when Hilton Grand Vacations reached out and booked a call to talk editorial... 50 projects later... Here we are!
With the help of this wonderful snapshot video, and this article, we take a look at how this partnership, kicked off in 2023 has gone from a single printed ESG report, to establishing strategic brand messaging in key pillars, to visiting multiple hotels in NYC just for competitor analysis, to creating Insta and TikTok games.
What's your favourite?

The results screen from our latest reaction game created on Instagram & TIkTok

Branded HGV's F1 partnership
We created a branded toolkit for Hilton Grand Vacations to use internally to brand every element of their F1 partnership in Vegas including VIP area, signage, landing page, email design, banner ads and printer collateral.

Gamifying the F1 partnership for social
We created two interactive social game to promote viral sharing:
• TikTok Reaction Game: The aim of the game is to beat F1 racing drivers reaction times by hitting as many lights as possible in 30 seconds... HLabs top scorer achieved a measly 46 compared to winners of 120!
• Instagram Racing Game: This instagram filter allows you to steet a 3D car across the track at speed to pick up gold and special coins to win points. All to celebrate HGV's rightful place at the finish line of the Vegas Grand Prix.

Creating a commercial to rival Airbnb
In December 2023 and October 2024 we were briefed to collaborate on a public facing commercial to showcase Hilton Grand Vacation's unique offer of making you feel your holiday home is 'Where you belong'.

Services offered on this project:
• Building out a narrative
• Storyboarding
• Script writing
• Collaborating with production team

ESG Report 2023 & 2024
This project brief allowed our expert print layout designers to tackle a reporting project in record time. In just 11 days the team created this multipage report focussing on Hilton Grand Vacations ESG policies.

• Tap here to view the 2023 report
• Tap here to view the 2024 report
We've even designed a golf cart fit for Paris Hilton using AI!
Our favourite brief by far was a creative ideation one. To celebrate Paris Hilton attending the 2023 Womens Golf Tour, we were asked to create some concepts to decorate a golf cart.
Check out the AI generated concepts we created, using MidJourney. Rumour has it our client had to run after a rogue celebrity who took off with the final cart across the fairway!

Taking employee engagement to new levels for for their Super Squad campaign
This campaign was a special one. When we were briefed by HGV they wanted a simple comic book to illustrate some of their favourite employee stories. HLabs illustration team just couldn't help themselves but go the extra mile and convert the entire series into a motion graphics project that scored record high numbers for the brand.
• 80,000 impressions
• 2,600 engagements

What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Continuing to build an amazing brand partnership into 2025
During this year our team at HLabs have been truly greatful for such a wonderful array of creative briefs that have pushed our strategic thinking, creative output and technology development.
Huge thanks to Michelle our amazing client for making this possible!
From powerpoint decks, to creating rough mocks for idea presentations through to multipage websites or complex print reports, we can help be the extension of your team with super diligent work and fast turnarounds. It all starts with just a call!
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