HLabs & Red Bull pick up awards for interactive storytelling: here's how

At HLabs, we take immense pride in our long-standing collaboration with Red Bull, a partnership that has spanned over five years, with over 90 global experiences, 48 translations, and now 3 awards. Together, we have pushed the boundaries of interactive storytelling, engaging audiences through amazing athlete insights and captivating users through innovative design.

HLabs developed a series of powerpoint templates to showcase athlete talent internally

From the Streets to the World Stage
Also known as 'The History of Breaking' this award-winning interactive editorial piece showcases the story behind Breaking, and its rapid rise to the Olympics, in a creative and engaging way. With incredibly detailed research and archive photography provided by the Red Bull team, we created this enthralling interactive timeline to delve deep into the roots and evolution of breakdancing culture in the United States.
The piece was brought together with conceptually driven spinning typography, sound bites, playlist integrations, video clips and gifs. This woven with the bitesize editorial was a recipe for success.
Awards won:
- Judges Choice: Webby Winner 2023 - Digital Magazine Website
- Honoree Mention: Awwwards 2023
View "History of Breaking" story

Max Verstappen's Monaco Mansion Game
For the 2022 hero edition, The Red Bulletin magazine wanted to create a unique digital experience showcasing Laureus Sportsman of the Year Max Verstappen. We were tasked to create a fictional illustrated version of Max's house in Monaco and fill it with personal trivia. Highlighting his F1 achievements, the goal was for users to interact with the experience while learning more about the sportsman behind the helmet.
With five rooms and over 40 illustrated items, the addition of animations, interactions, a few hard-code fixes, a seamless application of the concept and great use of the content, we transformed the two-dimensional initial rough idea into a captivating digital and interactive experience. Users must have been keen to find all the trophies as engagement was over 6x a normal story!
Awards won:
- Awwwards Honorable Mention
View 'Max Mansion' campaign

What's Next?
We eagerly embrace the future and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. We are excited to explore new horizons, incorporating 3D design, broadening our podcast reach, concept ideation, and further advancements in interactive storytelling technology.
Our goal is not only to deliver exceptional digital experiences but also to strive for more industry recognition and awards. We are confident that our unwavering dedication and innovative approach will continue to position us as leaders in this field.
View 'NFT Quiz' campaign

What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Partnerships are everything
The collaborative partnership between HLabs and Red Bull has yielded remarkable achievements and memorable experiences. Celebrating our wins with "The History of Breaking" and "Max's Mansion," we take pride in our ability to weave research, gamification, and illustration into compelling narratives. As we set our sights on the future, we are excited to pursue new avenues and technologies that will shape the digital landscape.
We eagerly anticipate more accolades and recognition on our journey, and we invite you to explore our latest work, which is already making waves in the industry. See our latest award-nominated projects and witness the power of HLabs and Red Bull's collaboration in action. Together, we will continue fueling success and creating stories that matter.
View our Awwwards portfolio
As we celebrate this milestone, our future goal is not only to deliver award winning digital experiences but also strive to 'Create Stories That Matter'. We are confident that our unwavering dedication and innovative approach will continue to position us as leaders in this field.
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